Why I Stopped Watching CSPAN

All that “my esteemed colleague” this and that and t’other. It’s not progress if cannibals use knives and forks.

2 Replies to “Why I Stopped Watching CSPAN”

  1. Don’t violent societies tend to be the ones with the most formal manners? Stylized ettiquette and “honor” abound to prevent walking into the insult that provokes the inevitable duel. Speaking the truth (You lie!) results in calls for censure.

    It’s all an elaborate dance just a few missteps away from becoming a tavern brawl. If it were to flare up I bet the cameras would go dark.

    1. I would prefer an outright donnybrook to the “polite” *gag* lies that are for no purpose than to obscure outright evil from view, Perri. In fact, I would prefer that EVERY congresscritter be required to wear a loaded sidearm at all times and be required to either recant when called a liar or defend himself or herself in a duel to the death.


      For one thing, it would almost certainly thin the ranks of libtards who are almost universally sniveling cowards who NEED “polite” *gag* lies to simply survive.

      It is not too mild to say that I seriously hate those liars who make their living out of the lies they use to do evil. In fact, “hate” as used by most contemporary illiterate idiots is far too mild a term.

      Now, if only there were some legal course of action that would enable The People to make these filthy liars actually pay for their behaviors. Simply removing them from power is NOT retribution enough for their crimes. Would a Constitutional Convention (where all the people who believed in the liberties espoused by the highest and best of the Founders went ARMED TO THE TEETH) enable enacting a Constitution with real teeth? Maybe. One might hope. The one we have is in tatters and is no more effective in enabling The People to curb rapacious, evil liars than a toothless, arthritic, blind pug with emphysema can deter a burglar.

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