Oh, *yawn*–Dog Bites Man

Is anyone surprised?

“The United States now ranks near the bottom of the list of advanced economies for its high school dropout rate — 23.3 percent of American students do not receive a high school diploma.”

The really distressing thing is that at least 70% of those who do graduate probably shouldn’t have. After all, if 70% of college grads don’t have the literacy skills to read their way out of a paper bag, what does that say for prior “education accomplishments”? What? Most high school grads only go to college to get lobotomies?

Nah. They got those while in pubschool.

Note: I’m not asserting they had their lobotomies performed by the pubschools alone. No, students’ parents, the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind and many other elements all work together to accomplish this task. With the full cooperation of the students, for the most part.

2 Replies to “Oh, *yawn*–Dog Bites Man”

  1. Hey David, half these students that pass should not as you stated correctly and they are not held back due to government mandates. The nanny status has decided to pass on the kids regardless if they can read or do math or anything else for that matter. Passing them is now socially correct as is their new jargin. You may not say Autistic, but you can say Pervasive Developmental Disorder, and you should not ever say retarted, you must state that as, mentally challenged. Who’s more dumb here? UGH!

  2. I think that in many cases blaming the parents isn’t going to do much good. You and I are old enough now that our children are, or could be parents themselves.

    I remember my education. I also remember struggling against the lobotomizing influence of mass media and public education on my kids. I suppose I could have been more diligent, but at least one of my children seems to have avoided a complete lobotomy. I can’t say the same for other people in our generation.

    Now that that generation of partially lobotomized children are raising their own children in the public school system and on mass media those kids are doubly disadvantaged. The spiral is increasing in its downward velocity.

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