I Hate Working on Laptops

That is, I hate doing repairs to laptops–all those finicky parts and often weird construction/deconstruction/reconstruction methods required. (I don’t mind using laptops. :-))

But that said, I just love this site:

Laptop Keys.com. When the very (VERY) nice Asus laptop Son&Heir bought a couple of years ago had a broken keycap–the latching mechanism and keycup were fine, but the clips on the keycap itself were toast–the only remedy Asus had to offer was sending the whole computer in for a complete keyboard replacement.


The place he bought it could get us a replacement keyboard to install ourselves (and provide detailed instructions for installation), but why? That’s a LOT of hassle just to replace a keycap.

Enter Laptop Keys.com. $5+S/H (another buck and a quarter or so at the time for simple first class USPS, IIRC–steep for the postage, but what the heck, the thing was still cheap). Popped the new keycap on and bob’s your uncle.

Every time I make someone’s lappy keyboard “whole” for them so easily, it’s a win for both of us. Gotta love Laptop Keys.com–and no, they give me nothing to say that. (And I might hope to get a steak dinner out of a pleased user. *heh*)

“Fixing” a keyboard on a laptop that’s just missing a couple of keycaps (when the user just doesn’t want to do it for themselves, no mtatter how dead simple, easy-peasy it is) is one of the few repairs to laptops I just don’t mind doing.

Unless it’s Lovely Daughter’s Escape key on her lil HP Mini 110. That thing was designed by Satan himself, I think… *heh*

One Reply to “I Hate Working on Laptops”

  1. Well, another person that feels like me. I hate working on Laptops and do not do it unless I really have to. I build towers, refurbish towers, et al., but I am remis to say I really hate working on these laptops. They are screwie as far as I am concerned.

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