Après-Snopocalypse 2011 Amusement

Methinks school attendance on the first school day of February 2011 here in America’s Third World County will be lower than desired by pubschool admins. Amused myself for a bit this a.m. listening to “the school bus channel” on scanner as one after another report went out to bus drivers to skip bus stops because parents and students still couldn’t get out to the bus stops. (Now, keep in mind that a lot of the “piney woods” folks live back 1 and sometimes 2 miles from the nearest roads, accessible only via air or–by now–deeply rutted and still snow and ice-packed private dirt roads, not something I’d necessarily send a young grade school child off trekking down to meet a bus that may or may not get through the still unplowed and ice/snow packed connecting county dirt road.)

At least it may mean fewer whines from kids about missing their “Valentines Day Party” that was scheduled for last Friday. *heh*

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