Wallomped With the White Stuff

Last week’s snow (with a very little added over Sunday/Monday) was just getting to the safe driving stage–we finally got our street plowed and sanded, for example–when…

Another 10″ (last time I stopped measuring, while it was still coming down) added on top. Now, Son&Heir had left for work early this a.m. before the snow hit. By 10:00 a.m., when he got tyhe OK to leave early, it was up to his knees. Roads really bad all the way back until… 5 miles from home, his lil car just died.

Now, I couldn’t get out to9 go troubleshoot the thing, and towing services here in America’s Third World County are way, way behind in the number of vehicles they have to “service”. Oh, I got as far as halfway up the hill leading out of our neighborhood… on my second attempt, but backing down to try again, I got stuck and spent 30 minutes digging out. By that time, I got word that he was on his way home, courtesy of the Highway Patrol (finally, some good out of the organization). I was able to get halfway up the hill again so I could back down and get turned around, then struggle back on into our drive.

And all the while, the snow just kept coming.

*heh* Good thing, in a way, that I got stuck, though, because on my first “plowing” through the unbroken snow on our street, I’d stripped off the air dam on my lil Saturn. Though it had become almost completely buried in the new snowfall in the brief time between attempt #1 and attempt #2, enopugh was still visible for me to spot it and go dig it out, so I’ll be able to reattach it later. Much later. Come Spring, perhaps. *heh*

10 Replies to “Wallomped With the White Stuff”

  1. Sweet mother of pearl but what is this “snow” you speak of and how can it continue to create such havoc without the government stepping in to help. Were I you it’d be off to researching which government grant can help you through this dilemma.

    PS: And yes, I’ve asked my neighbors and none of them has any idea of what that stuff is, so no help from these parts. Sorry.

    1. Well, one neighbor has used his bobcat with a front end loader to clear the street in past winters, and several of us have actually shoveled and salted the street ourselves in past years, but he’s “mostly retired” now, and the bobcat has gone the way of most of his former work equipment and the other three of us who did manual “street plowing” in the past have 1. moved away, 2. screwed up knees and 3. developed heart trouble. That’s just the way things go, sometimes…

    1. *heh* For the most part. I did ask my Wonder Woman the other day if it’d be considered self defense if I shot my back, since it was killing me! *heh*

    1. *heh* I managed to better the “stuck getting out of our cul de sac” bit by getting gas today and… not driving off. Car started and… died on the way out of the lot. Fuel pump decided that was the time to die. So, my car was also towed to the mechanic, a day after Son&Heir’s car went in. Now, 3 people going 3 different ways, one car. S’all right. My car will be fine by Monday or Tuesday (good mechanic) and meanwhile, I can chauffeur my Wonder Woman and Son& Heir between my own gigs, at least for a while. Monday will be interesting, though. Wonder Woman to her school/library; me: a couple of gigs; Son&Heir to see some cars he might buy… (Well, one of them, at least. :-))

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