Effecting Subliteracy, One Headline at a Time

Headline on local weather report:

Weather Effecting Superbowl


When “effect” is used as a verb, it means “cause something to happen” so that headline-written-by-an-idiot means, “Weather Causing Superbowl”.

Of course, the idiot who wrote that meant “Weather Affecting Superbowl” but, because he* is a subliterate idiot, apparently working for and with other subliterate idiots, that headline made it onto a local weather report.

Insert fork, twirl in brain.

*Yes, I eschew the “he or she” or “s/he” or whatever current abortion of good English is in current vogue in favor of the long usage of “he” to mean a non-specific person. I have little time or energy (and no respect) for that politically correct crap.

5 Replies to “Effecting Subliteracy, One Headline at a Time”

  1. People getting paid to manufacture this crap are thieves twice over: taking pay for producing crap and stealing what little literacy they may possess from unwitting half-(or less)literates.

  2. The product of decades of public school has taken over areas previously deemed safe – signage. My example was from Fort Worth – http://nurseinbox.wordpress.com/2010/12/25/the-vehicle-is-a-poor-babysitter/?preview=true&preview_id=1085&preview_nonce=215f3851d1
    Also, one of my pet peeves is the sign over the “fast lane” at the store – “10 items or less”. I have suggested to a few that they use correct English and post 10 items or fewer. One teller actually thought a moment and replied, ‘that doesn’t sound right.” Amazing that correct English, now, doesn’t sound right.

    1. Oh! The “less”-“fewer” thing just chaps my gizzard! My Wonder Woman is sooooo tired of hearing my reaction whenever I hear/see “less” used when “fewer” is correct! (Soooo tired? How tired is that? “Now, Honey, just calm down… ” For her, that’s strong language. *heh*)

      *sigh* Math and grammar: both teach logic and cause-effect rationality in different ways. Heck, just reading well-written prose does that! Sadly, Dan Brown’s crap is mistaken for “well-written prose” (by those few of his readers who even know what “prose” means) by contemporary Mass Man, so we have the phenomenon of simple, well-spoken or well-written English “not sounding right” to subliterate, self-made morons.

      Insert fork behind eye; stir vigorously.

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