3 Replies to “Marketing Genius”

    1. Well, there ya go again, Perri. Showing off your erudition. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      (Actually, I think the restaurant ought to open a branch on the floor of the Senate… Plenty of chum there… )

  1. Hi David! That uh *heh* – well, that is my son’s favorite quip everytime he is upset or does not like somthing. Since he is Autistic I am used to his quirps, but I think Perri might be on to something since my son loves “Sponge Bob.” His favorite game is “Sponge Bob Bikini Bottoms!” It is hysterical. Who thought “underpants” could be funny! *heh” – yeah I like that!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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