O Xmas Tree, O Xmas Tree…

Nicole asked a bit back for a pic of my “Xmas tree” made from Grolsch swingtop beer bottles. It’s a tiny thing (about 2′ tall), but had enough room for presents around it–mostly–when we had our early gift exchange during our Thanksgiving family time.

Sadly, I neglected to take measures to insure the flash wouldn’t override the lil solar-powered LED lights that I have in and in back of the bottles, so that lil feature doesn’t show. But hey, I’m not the photographer in the family, so this is what you get.

7 Replies to “O Xmas Tree, O Xmas Tree…”

    1. I’ll have to drink a bunch more Grolsch in swingtops to both build a bigger one (next year) and bottle all my brews. (I have both a molasses brew and a hard apple-cinnamon cider bottle conditioning right now, and more ales coming up over the next couple of months’ time. Need bottles. :-))

    1. Well, if you are planning on one of these for yourself, better start saving “dead soldiers” now. ๐Ÿ™‚

      I’ll need another 20 empty bottles to extend this lil thing to the top of the bay window next year, which means I’ll probably have to drink another 40 Grolsch swingtops so I have an adequate reserve for bottling my homebrews. Sadly, I had one recently (out of a 4-pack I bought so I could bottle some more in swingtops) that was skunked. *sigh* Oh, well. At least the bottle was still less expensive than buying empty swingtops.

      Next up (to be brewed up this weekend), some oatmeal stout my daughter and son-in-law gave me for Xmas. (Yeh, we did open presents on Thanksgiving. That freed them up from choosing between his folks and hers for Xmas. Also means that all I have to do for Xmas is decorate tcw central, go to parties, box up some canned goods and listen to Xmas music. Already have the ham and other things for Xmas dinner, and everything this time is going in rice cooker, crock pot and pressure cooker. Easy-peasy. It’ll make for a VERY relaxing Xmas weekend.)

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