7 Replies to “Would Everyone Who Reads This…”

  1. They’re coming to take me away, haha…to the funny farm…where life is….

    Just a tune from way back which might come in handy should you feel the urge to raise that hand.

    1. Nope. No telekinetics have raised my hand… yet.

      My lizardbrain recognizes the “song” you cite as from Dr. Demento’s Delights. What an album. *heh*

    1. “This coming Saturday might be a good time for you to attend a fall food festival in your area.”

      Why? Would it bring me into contact with some telekinetics?

  2. LOL. I’ll try again!
    A career as a telekinesis always appealed to me.
    I have been practicing my powers with my kids with these sayings: “Get into your room and clean it” and “get your homework done”. Unfortunately, without success but the kids have managed the fine art of hypnotizing people. They have managed to convince me I am a cook, chauffeur, and cleaning lady!

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