Work Ethic? Notsomuch

Check the screencap of an email from ZDNet. Some lazy, subliterate moron couldn’t even bother to transcribe the actual article’s headline:

That someone got paid for “work” like that is evidence of incompetent supervision and a lazy, unethical worker. That “hypocracy” isn’t even a typo. No one who can’t even use (or is too lazy to use) a spell checker should accept payment for “work” like that… or be offered any. And yet, this is but one of many, many examples of such things. (And do NOT let me get started on “celebrity–or even local yokel–newsreaders’ constant misuse of words. Put ’em in bags and throw ’em into a swiftly moving river… )

2 Replies to “Work Ethic? Notsomuch”

  1. Right.
    You know, I get lazy on my own blog with grammar and spelling. But on my company’s website, which I get PAID to update, you will never find a spelling or grammatical error.

    1. Yep, Mel. I’m very casual with my expression here, where I am not getting paid to write, although I do usually at least catch most spelling errors and typos via my browser’s built-in spell checker. When I did have to submit professional work, though, I was very careful that not even my mom, the English teacher, might have any grammar or spelling problems with what I wrote. *heh*

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