Congresscritters on the Way to DC?

Lovely Daughter took the following pic while on the road the other day (I need to talk w/her about her driving behavior, eh? ;-)). My only mods to it were some cropping and some quick-and-dirty (and very sloppy) cloning to cover some names and phone numbers.

*heh* In comments, Nicole suggests the jackasses are running away from D.C. You know, she’s probably right on… more than one level.

3 Replies to “Congresscritters on the Way to DC?”

    1. Well, congresscritters (at least the House) have indicated that adjournment will be about 3 weeks early… You may have the right idea: they want to “miss” the “meeting” with Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether, you think? 🙂

      1. BTW, if they’re not jackasses when they go to DC, they are when they return. I knew a guy (before he became a governor, then US Senator) who was a pretty decent dude. Swept to DC. on a “new broom” candidacy. A few years later, shed himself of the woman who’d helped get him there (“broomed” her right on outa there, it seems), became a typical go-along-to-get-along jackass, as far as I could tell. Went through a long recovery process to becoming a real person after he decided to “retire” from politics (Damascus Road experience? I dunno, but something changed for him).

        I think we need to start recovery centers for people who’ve been in DC longer than 6 or 8 years–in office or otherwise. “Internment camps” we could call them. *heh* Barbed wire, lots of big rocks to make into little ones, etc.

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