Free At Last!

“Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”*

(*twc central mortgage is paid off)

7 Replies to “Free At Last!”

  1. Curse you Red Baron!!


    Seriously, awesome news and major congratulations. In honor of the occasion, we’ll overlook the fact that you failed to do your citizen-ly duty by going into foreclosure and letting the guv’mint bail you out. Hopefully you’ll get that right next time.

    1. Thanks, all. I “blame” my Wonder Woman for our financial stability. While I’m a natural-born tightwad, she has taught me what I needed to channel my tightwaddery in ways that’ve enhanced our life together in some pretty impressive ways. This is just one.

  2. I refinance whenever the interest rate difference saves me more money than the fees for refinancing. If the interest rates go any lower, the bank will have to pay me interest.

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