Lazy Man’s Restore Points for Win7

Those of y’all using Win7 (or Vista, if there be any such critters reading here :-)) who’re lazy as all get out might find this Quick Restore Point Maker mini-app useful. Note: the link’s been fixed and now points to a download page insted of attempting to point directly to the download itself.

And here’s another download page touting a pdf file with a (nearly) exhaustive list of Keyboard Shortcuts for Win7–that also mostly work in earlier versions.

And for those who’re tired of Win7 talk, here’s a download page for Puppy Linux and one for PC-BSD (the latter for folks who want to try an OSX-like OS without the Apple straitjacket *heh*).

This has been a “value added” compgeeky post. Don’t tell the feds or they’ll try to tax it to death.

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