More Truth Than the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind Can Handle

…spoken in jest?

From Newsbusted: “The average woman will spend over $50,000 on her hair over the course of her life, and even more if her name happens to be Ryan Seacrest .” *heh*

4 Replies to “More Truth Than the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind Can Handle”

  1. Then I cannot believe for one second that I am the average woman. I haven’t paid for a haircut in 20 years. Lucky me to have such a good friend and former roommate for my hair dresser.

    1. *heh* Mel, in the past 40 years, IIRC I have paid for two haircuts. The rest I’ve simply given myself. Other members of the family have followed my example from time to time with mixed success. Guess I’m either just talented or have lower standards… 🙂

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