Not Smart Marketing…

…to someone like me.

You catch that? Become a “fan” of TigerDirect and give TD full access to my profile, recruit three other FB “friends” to do become “fans” of TD (and thus give TD full access to their profiles) and that “earns” an entry for all of you into a drawing for a computer. But not just any computer, a computer by Systemax–IOW, a consumer crap computer, if my exposure to Systemax computers is any guide.

Nu-uh. Not going there. I do purchase the occasional sweet deal from TD (NOT depending on their mostly unobtainable “rebates”–“Made of 100% pure unobtainium!”), but this? Nope… Give me a straight purchase deal like those readily available from Newegg and others, but this kind of thing really turns me off.

I hope that there are still enough consumers left who haven’t jabbed an ice pick past their own eyeballs enough times to fall for this asinine ploy, but somehow I doubt that relying on the intelligence of the common man is a good idea…

5 Replies to “Not Smart Marketing…”

  1. I operate several business accounts on FB David. I cannot access any profiles or information on any of our fans.

    This is a one way relationship, just like direct mail. The business just wants more fans so more folks will see their updates, adding to their mailing list as it were.

    1. Thx, Woody. Still leery (because FB changes its TOS arbitrarily from time to time), but moderately reassured. Still not biting on the “sweepstakes” to get a Systemax computer, though, since my experience with Systemax computers (others’ I’ve helped resolve problems on) doesn’t lead me to think of them as worth having. JMO, of course.

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