And THIS Is an Improvement!

Keep in mind that this “maroon” is the replacement for Cynthia McKinney in Congress, so as unbelievably stupid as he is, he’s an improvement.


But still, as a Loony Left Moonbat, he’s one of the brighter of the flock.

h.t. Hot Air

7 Replies to “And THIS Is an Improvement!”

    1. Ain’t that a kick in the pants, Woody? *sigh* If massive amounts of chlorine were poured into the shallow end of the gene pool, where would future generations of congresscritters come from?

    1. Mel, this guy is an example of Obamascare at its best. “Just take a pill,” as Teh One said. The best and brightest stars of Libtardia agree: superstition, voodoo and profound ignorance combined with pre-frontal lobotomies are the wave of the future in congresscritters. After all, it’s becoming the norm in society in general, right?

  1. I played that little segment for my 90 year old mother-in-law and I feared for her health. After the guffaws at his antics came an icy anger at his position. When I pointed out that he was probably an improvement over Cynthia, she was gobsmacked.

    1. Sad that the elderly, who are more likely to recognize such idiocy for what it is than contemporary, typically illiterate, youth (anyone under the age of 50 or so) are. Sad, especially, since their numbers are dwindling, and they often lack the energy and raw strength to thwack the idiots who vote such cretins into office upside the head hard enough to knock some sense into them.

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