Human Achievement Hour

Instead of the fatuous (and dangerous!*) “Earth Hour” last Saturday, A Place to Stand suggested Human Achievement Hour, quite similar to Woody’s protest.

The lights were on here at twc central, but I must confess I had no thought of protesting Earth Hour. Everything was running because

1. I never shut down my Big Hawg (computer)
2. Some of my Wonder Woman’s family had come by after the wedding and reception and we spent the time visiting about important things (like our firecracker lil niece who charmed everyone in sight and was continuing to do so as we visited), instead of observing some wacko “Earth Hour” balderdash.

*Note: the linked “article” is a fable.

4 Replies to “Human Achievement Hour”

  1. The message on that poster speaks volumes for the free market system. Why do you suppose the progressives are so intent on throwing the US back into the stone age; specifically the Cap & Trade legislation which will shut down industry and jobs?

    1. Why, TF? Because they care only for ideology and care not one whit about the human cost of their ideology. Witness the left’s attachment to so-called “welfare” programs which have done nothing but create more poverty, devastate communities and destroy families. They have no “exit strategy” for the “War on Poverty” because their war is against the people they claim to serve. Just so the left’s irrational attachment to ecological lunacy. It’s not really about the polar bears; the polar bear population has grown so much in recent years (since the alarmism claiming “we” are destroying their habitat) that they are now genuine pests and a menace. And on the verge of eating themselves out of their nice comfy habitat that’s encouraged them to overbreed.

      Oh, but the shrinking ice caps! Lie. Neither the Northern ice caps nor the Antarcticv ice caps are shrinking, but lies that conform to the leftards’ ideology are all they can see/hear. But, the Greenland glacier is about to disappear! *feh* Lies. There are still dairy farms from the Medieval Climate Optimum (when Greenland was green enough to be a net exporter of dairy products) visible UNDER the ice. And the last time geologists know of Greenland being ice free was about 650,000 ears ago, when temps were considerably higher than the worst predictions of the Church of Anthropogenic Global Climate Alarmism. Facts simply have NO PLACE in the mindset of leftards. No place at all.

    1. It sleeps when I’m not using it (keeps power consumption down), but is easily awakened. I frequently need to access it remotely. I sleep sporadically, so when insomnia hits, I come in and do some work… and don’t have to wait more than 5 seconds to get at it.

      Any of those would do. Does it cause excessive wear on components? The jury is out on that, but the preponderance of the evidence is, no. Heck, I once had an old Win2KPro computer on for well over a year, with NO REBOOTS (on a good UPS, too, so small power outages of 15-30 minutes common here didn’t affect it), using it in much the same way I do this one. I only powered down and rebooted that one because I upgraded some components.

      Now, I do power down occasionally, but really only because I have done more tinkering with this computer’s innards than with many. It’s just so very, very easy to tweak this compy’s performance with different components (old ones usually going to another box here at twc central). This compy is kinda like getting an old GTO in mint condition and modifying it part by part into a show car. It started out pretty hot, but has gotten so hot now that it’s beyond cool. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Oh, it’s not what I could build for $4,500 or so, but it’s at least as as “hot” as my son’s $2,500 Asus Quad Core laptop. Now, when was I gonna double the memory in this thing… Again ๐Ÿ™‚

      But seriously, although I could turn Wake-On LAN on and still remotely access this computer when I needed to, it’s just faster to access it remotely when it’s already on.

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