‘Tis Done, The Great Transaction’s Done

Lovely Daughter is now a Mrs. Was a trying couple of days–all good stress, but nonetheless…

Gonna take a nap now.

A pic after the jump.

Credit: Sally Felkner (mother of the groom), she who is the first to submit photos for the upcoming compilation.

And more…




Fun Facts:

Lovely Daughter did the flowers: Bridal party, all, including hair adornments (succulants: “hens n chicks”); boutenieres for all men involved and even creative corsages for moms, grandmoms, great aunts. Her mother-in-law made cufflinks for the groom and groomsmen and earrings for the bridal party.

Lovely Daughter’s former employer (“former” because it was a private social services agency caught in a financial crunch caused by Dhimmicrappic-induced economy slump and since she was “last hired” she was first to be “downsized”) managed the wedding day/reception, with former co-workers handling decorating, serving the refreshments, etc. BTW, Lovely Daughter’s former boss was also instrumental (primarily–as she found the job and lobbied the place to hire her) in ensuring that she got her next job, well before her severance pay ended. Lovely Daughter is surrounded by Good People. Heck, even her step-mother-in-law is a lovely, warm and sharp lady.

14 Replies to “‘Tis Done, The Great Transaction’s Done”

    1. Thanks, all. The silly goons were on FB last night for a while. *sigh* “What’s the matter with kids today?” *heh* Photos will come. I did NOT take a camer on purpose. I’ll havew access to tons of family photos (including videos made by my brother and a sister-in-law), the professional’s photos and Josh’s buddies’ photos to compile a “Mix DVD” for the kids. I had decided I seriously did NOT need another thing to do. I’m particularly happy with Lovely Daughter’s choice of a husband. We’ve gotten to know him pretty well over the last year+–more than a little as I worked on their house with him for the past nine months–and I don’t think either of ’em could have made a better match.

      Now, if only they’ll stay off FB for the next week or so and just stick with the honeymoon plans. πŸ™‚

  1. Congrats! Lovely dress she had. I’m glad you like her choice. It’s important that Dad likes the new man in his daughter’s life. πŸ™‚

    1. Yeh, Nicole, I was a hard sell on her choice of life partner, but having a year to get to know him was a Good Thing. Well, for my peace of mind, and perhaps for their mutual peace of mind as well. They complement each other well, while also sharing many commonalities, and not just in interests and abilities but more importantly in values.

      This weekend was our (my Wonder Woman and I) first opportunity to meet his “complete” family–my Wonder Woman had met his mom before. I think that we all pretty much enjoyed one another, “up” to the grandma and great aunt levels, as well as “down” to the youngest niece level. *heh* I’m much more of a small group kind of guy in recent years (after years of handling large groups of people it’s been rather restful), but the organized chaos was fun, the people good, the outcome Very Good. As Lovely Daughter said in a “winding down details before flying the country for honeymoon” email this a.m., “Marriage is far superior to engagement.” *heh*

      BTW, on the dress: she has at least some of her paternal “tightwad” genes. When her mom went to price/pay the one Lovely Daughter had selected (with prices not yet discussed), she discovered that it was not only “on sale” but 33% reduced from the sale price! Lovely Daughter was surprised when her mom told her, but I wasn’t all that surprised when I heard the story as “look for quality before you look at price” has almost always resulted in better buys… and moreso nowadays when more and more folks simply look for flash and sizzle and never look carefully at quality… Nice that she ended up with exactly the dress she had described before heading out on the marathon, all-day “girls’ day out” with her mom, her fiance’s mom and her bridal party (two matrons of honor were able to go along) and at the same time get a bonafied bargain.

    1. Nicole: Yep. My tightwaddery outlook meets my Wonder Woman’s “always shop for quality and do NOT buy something if there is anything you DON’T like about it” viewpoint more often than not.

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