“We the Government… “

Government of the politicians, by the politicians and for the politicians…

a Michael Ramirez Cartoon

” …in order to form a more destructive polity, chain Liberty with our hubris, destroy the General Welfare and establish serfdom for all the ‘little people’ and their future generations (but not our own progeny, of course) give you, the inconsequential serfs… Obumacare.”

But we were born free, weren’t we? Weren’t we?

3 Replies to ““We the Government… “”

  1. We hold these falsehoods to be self-evident: That all men must be made equal in their mediocrity; that they are endowed by their government with certain alienable entitlements; that among these are rationed health care, enslavement to the state, and to have their decisions made for them in the name of the public good; that whenever a government encourages individual liberty and responsibility it is the right – the duty of the politicians to alter it in such a way that the politicians will benefit to the exclusion of the people…

    Isn’t that the way that it really works anymore?

    1. Now see, Perri, if I’d had your talent, I’d have stated the “We The Government” preamble just like that. Thanks.

      Second thought: an edit to the opening phrase,

      “We hold these falsehoods to be self-evident truths… “

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