The Best Is Yet to Come

Lovely Daughter’s wedding is two weeks from today. She has made a mix CD of songs for the wedding reception afterwards, and one–“The Best Is Yet To Come” as sung by Michael Buble (nice, just, I dunno, a certain je ne sais quoi)–begged me to post a clip of this version of the song as performed by Frank Sinatra with Count Basie And His Orchestra on the album, Nothing But the Best. It’s barely more than 30 seconds–about what Amazon lets folks sample–so go pick up a 99 cent download for yourself.

[audio:The Best Is Yet To Come-Frank Sinatra-clip.mp3]

6 Replies to “The Best Is Yet to Come”

  1. Man I love me some Frank! “Tender Trap” is my fav, but “Luck Be A Lady” is a close second.

    Congrats on the coming nuptials. Hope she’s married off well and the whole shebang doesn’t bankrupt you. Some folks go crazy with that stuff.

    I know. I know. David would never go overboard with anything but book collections and musical critiques.


    1. Actually, Woody, the couple decided to do it (almost) all themselves in a very frugal (very nearly meeting “tightwaddery” standards!) fashion (yes, it’s a much longer story than that sums up, but for public posting, that’ll do :-)). Oh, Lovely Daughter did allow her mom to purchase her wedding dress (a real steal and as lovely as her mom’s–which she could NOT wear, even were they similar sizes, cos they’re also dissimilar shapes *heh*), and we’ve done one or two small things (with one or two more small things in the wings), but level-headed (soon to be) son-in-law and super-organizer daughter designed themselves a functional, meaningful, beautiful wedding best characterized by the dress code stated on their wedding blog: “Smart Casual.” One BIG deal is that s-i-l-to-be is a photographer of no small talent and has done more than a few wedding photo gigs–some with Lovely Daughter as assistant. Made getting that angle covered both much easier and less expensive.

      This thing has turned out to be very much a joint effort by THEM, and what that portends for their marriage is Very Good, IMO. And my role? Two weeks from now, I fit into my designated suit and act as though I were normal. *heh* I can pull “normal” off for a few hours. Really I can. Really. πŸ˜‰

  2. I heard one of our General Authorities, Elder Stanley, speak on the topic of love between a husband and wife many years ago. I took notes of what I remembered after the fact he hit so many nails on the head.

    The best visual I can recall on this kind of love was shown by touching both hands together so the palms unite and the angle between the hands is constant showing an ever increasing distance as you travel outward toward the finger tips.

    He explained that when you first fall in love it’s equal to the amount where your palms come together; but as you grow to appreciate each other through the years that love grows just to fill the ever increasing amount as visually expressed.

    Here’s to the young people in your life; may they grow in such a way as to mature that love until they truly are one in purpose.

  3. How lucky for you!
    You can’t have it as easy as I did though. I got a text message that said “I’m married.”

    What a lovely song.

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