4 Replies to “More Reasons for Apple’s Huge Profit Margins”

  1. Obviously, Apple has not brainwashed you into thinking that Steve Jobs is God, and he’s actually rewarding these workers by allowing them to even TOUCH an Apple product…

    1. Urm, MM, I don’t think Steve Jobs has done a job on my head in a long, long time (my last “serious” use of an Apple product–I don’t count the occasional use of different folks’ Macbooks, etc.–was when I wrote a script to shut down the Mac belonging to a particularly obnoxious Macrodist. He’d boot up and 5 mins later, it’d power off. was fun. Been mucho-molto years, though… )

  2. I know in the context of this article it is horrible, but there are some days I could get on board with the whole beating of employees bit. Just sayin’…

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