One More Corrupt Politician Bites the Dust

There is something fundamentally sad about a man who goes to his grave apparently unrepentant of his sins. And that is the only sad thing about the death of John Murtha. As far as his place in the Congress: good riddance to bad rubbish. As far as one more soul (in all liklihood, from the evidence of his life) self-consigned to hell: at least he will be in familiar company. Say hello to Teddy, John.

Oh. Is there some rule about speaking ill of the dead? Well, I don’t see any sense in speaking of the dead other than as I have spoken of them in life. Seems rather hypocritical to me. I’ll not dance (or do other, less savory things) on his grave, and I do regret the apparent fact that he died an unrepentant sinner, but the loss of one more corrupt politician is in some senses a reason for rejoicing.

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