Home Again, Home Again, Jiggetty-Jig

There and back again between early a.m. and now. About 100 miles round trip–not far, but… COLD. Was 0 deg F when I left; 6 when I returned. Car never warmed above “You HAVE to be kidding me!” Lil car did NOT like. Heater? Notsomuch. Next thing to “Notatall.” Beat the outside temps by juuuust about nuthin’. Patchy ice on 2-lane roads (still!); snowing and blowing–though not snowing hard. Crisp–brittle!–light stabbing deep into brain past sunglasses when snow let up. Gloves worked for hands, but feet were blocks of ice when I got “there” and again when I returned. Just now getting feeling back in toes. Seriously.

Not bad. Pretty typical January around the Ozarks, though maybe about 10 deg F cooler than usual for this time of year.

Algore musta been giving a speech on “Anthropogenic Global Warming” somewhere near here.

Sidebar: what in the heck is that lil town in a county as sparsely populated as America’s Third world County (well, except for the “Vegas of the Ozarks” about 30 more miles down the road) doing with a McDonalds, a Taco Bell and a KFC?!? Who’dathunkit? Cheap (and very nearly drinkable) cuppa joe at the Mickey D’s, though. (What can I say? It was hot.)

2 Replies to “Home Again, Home Again, Jiggetty-Jig”

    1. Indeed, TF. I feel crowded enough by 4 traffic lights in the little third world county town 15 miles south… that doesn’t even have a post office, but DOES have both a WallyWorld AND a McDonald’s… simply because the town annexed the area juuuust this side of the state line that was being built up to service the retirement community over the state line in Slick Wilie’s home state.

      Heck, I felt cramped when TWO traffic lights went in here in my own lil burg of nearly 2,000 souls. One was for a 3-way intersection and even forbade right turns on red after stopping until just the last couple of months. Nanny-staters.

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