A Right Attitude When Dealing With Willful Idiots

I imagine there might be one or two–perhaps even more, though I can scarcely imagine such a thing–among the congresscritters, Mass MEdia Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and the whole gaggle of Loony Left Moonbats, etc., who actually intend good toward their fellow citizens.

It could happen. Well, it could. And so, I should note,

” …the right attitude to take toward well-intentioned people who didn’t have the advantages of education and intelligence, but who nonetheless insisted on opening their mouths… “

…is to smile at the idiots and simply ignore them. No, it won’t help anyone to attempt educating them, to try to lead them out of the darkness of their willful ignorance. After all, such attempts are akin to giving a pig voice lessons. The pig won’t learn to sing and you’d just be wasting your time while annoying the poor thing.

Of course, the pig does at least have the excuse of being useful. Yum! Bacon! Sadly, no such excuses can be found for congresscritters, Mass MEdia Podpeople, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and the whole gaggle of Loony Left Moonbats, etc. Even those who might–might, I say–be stupidly intending good are just useless oxygen sinks. At best.

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