“Mighty Mouse” Saved the Day

She may be small at only 120 pounds, but Sgt. Kimberly Munley is a “moderate Muslim’s” worst nightmare: a woman with a gun who refuses to back down.

In case you’ve been living in a box under a bridge somewhere and thus missed the news, Sgt. Kimberly Munley is the civilian police officer under contract to the Army as a part of the security services at Ft. Hood who is responsible for putting enough bullets into “moderate Muslim” Islamic terrorist, Maj. Nidal Hasan to stop his bloody rampage.

Good on you, Sgt. Kimberly Munley. And a big “nanny-nanny-boo-boo” to Islam and its view of women, too.

BTW, although Munley took three hits from “moderate Muslim” Islamic terrorist Hasan, she still took him down. From reports, she lost a lot of blood but is recovering.

“She said one of the bullets hit an artery and she lost a lot of blood, but she sounded in good spirits,” said country music singer Dierks Bentley, who met Munley at a July 4 event and called her Friday.

“She was laughing and joking.”

To her friends, relatives and former colleagues in North Carolina, Munley’s bravery was par for the course.

Hats off to Sgt. Munley. American woman vs. “moderate Muslim” Islamic terrorist. Moose-limb boys? you really don’t want to go there.

Oh, the title of this post? Don’t blame me. “Mighty Mouse” is the nickname Munley was saddled with after saving a fellow officer–a man–from an assault by a motorist at a traffic stop.

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