Well, It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time…

And it seems like that’s a common statement after the fact whenever someone engages in some form of jackassery.

[Toyota Spokesman Chad] Harp said Toyota cannot discuss the legal aspects of the case, but marketing agencies like Saatchi & Saatchi are always thinking of new and innovative ways to attract consumers for clients like Toyota.

Well, it didn’t work very well in this case.

Lawsuit Claims Woman Believed She Was Being Stalked Thanks to Toyota’s Marketing Prank

Oct. 9, 2009โ€”

A Los Angeles woman is suing Toyota for $10 million over a marketing campaign that she claims “punked” her into incorrectly believing she was being stalked.

The bright idea of the advertising campaign was to “punk” people into believing exactly what this woman came to believe. Looks to me as though she has a good argument. Kinda stupid to fall for it, but then it was aimed at stupid people, apparently.

6 Replies to “Well, It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time…”

  1. Kinda stupid to fall for it, but then it was aimed at stupid people, apparently.

    The same could be said about just about all political campaigns anymore, particularly the ongoing campaign of the “O”.

  2. A couple of observations; first, if she never called the police to make a report that would tend to weaken her case and secondly, if she were in real fear for her safety then it would have made more sense to move away from the house and take up temporary residence until the danger had passed.

    As a retired cop, I recall being called to homes where a woman would claim to be in fear of her ex or old boy friend coming to do injury or worse. I always advised them that if they really believed there was a danger to leave and not be there for the opportunity. Most of the time this advice was ignored and I would make a return call, sometimes to a local hospital where they had been taken.

    Oh well, like you said, “Kinda stupid to fall for it, but then it was aimed at stupid people, apparently.”

  3. “Jackassery”

    Now there’s a term I can get behind. LOL, interesting, while I think the woman silly, what else was she supposed to think? After all, the whole idea behind the 5 day campaign was to get her to think she was being stalked. Where was anyone’s head?

    Wait, don’t answer that. ๐Ÿ™‚

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