“President Pantywaist” Gets “Tough” With Fox News

Yeh, yeh, it’s been all over the place for a week or so. The 0! picking a fight with an organization that doesn’t even have to buy ink by the barrel (cos electrons don’t need ink). Well, Mark Steyn chimes in, too:

We were told that Obama would use “soft power” and “smart diplomacy” to get his way. Russia and Iran are big players with global ambitions, but Obama’s soft power is so soft it doesn’t even work its magic on a client regime in Kabul whose leaders’ very lives are dependent on Western troops. If Obama’s “smart diplomacy” is so smart that even Hamid Karzai ignores it with impunity, why should anyone else pay attention?

The strange disparity between the heavy-handed community organization at home and the ever cockier untouchables abroad risks making the commander in chief look like a weenie – like “President Pantywaist,” as Britain’s Daily Telegraph has taken to calling him.

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