If This Is True, Heads Will Roll…

*heh* The LA FBI office is going to come under some scrutiny from its D.C. masters, and if the caller in the video below is representing a factual response from that office, heads will almost certainly roll…

‘S’all right, though. Probably 90% of the laws the FBI is involved in “enfarcing” nowadays have no real constitutional justification. (I have no actual figures, but it’s a fair shirt cuff guesstimate given what the congress and federal bureaucrappy have been up to for at least half a century.)

3 Replies to “If This Is True, Heads Will Roll…”

    1. I’m still waiting on confirmation that the Limbaugh caller was

      a. on the level and
      b. dialed the right number…

      Of course, the LK call to Colber during Rosh Hashanah was real. *cough-hack*

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