I’ll Take “U.S. Constitution” for $1,000, Alex


“It’s all different now.” (Newt Gingrich, when he was Speaker of the House)


Since it took an Amendment to the Constitution (Amendment 18, now repealed) to give Congress the power to outlaw one mind-altering substance, alcohol, which Article or Amendment gives Congress the authority to outlaw any drug whatever?

I submit to you that Newt Gingrich’s answer to the question Jerry Pournelle posed (paraphrased above) is both unpersuasive and an example of just how far from the rule of law our “feddle gummint” masters have strayed.

2 Replies to “I’ll Take “U.S. Constitution” for $1,000, Alex”

  1. Well, since no one else is going to comment, let me juxtapose two opposing views on the use of mind-altering substances by free men:

    “Beer is evidence that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”–Benjamin Franklin (speaking a sentiment most of the Founders would have agreed with.)

    “After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.”–the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, now repealed

    (N.B. Any femi-nazis want to argue with me about my use of “men” above, feel free, but please bring facts and leave your silly, stupid and irrelevant “gender neutral” arguments at the door. Crickets will chirp… )

    1. Oh, and note: the only mind-altering substances I use regularly are coffee, beer (1-2 beers/day), my Wonder Woman’s smile and prayer. If the “feddle gummint” decides to outlaw any of those, I’ll be a very grumpy citizen indeed!

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