6 Replies to “Coffee Observation”

  1. /agree.

    Working on my third cup of non-defective goodness as we speak.

    And before you say “only #3?”…I found a handmade 20-oz ceramic coffee mug at the Renaissance Faire that somehow manages to look no larger than the typical coffee mug but holds three times as much. Once again artisan craftsmanship proves itself greater than mass production.

    1. I generally use a 15-oz mug, but there are those rare days when I choose an 8-oz mug. Never do I willingly select one of the “standard coffee cup” 6-oz cups, and in fact every one that fits that description at twc central has long since been dispensed with or, in the case of the fine china, stored where they cannot harm my coffee drinking. *heh*

  2. Permit me a “reverse hobbit” moment…it comes in SIX ounce sizes? Who’s that for…my parakeet? (Okay, Budgie)

    Come on. Everyone knows a decent cup of coffee has at least twice that much of the brown stuff…and a healthy amount of cream.

    We have some 8oz mugs at home, but I also have four in the 16-24oz size for coffee consumption. Mostly with lids, though the coffee doesn’t generally last long enough to get cold anyway. Apparently those-who-manufacture drinking items seem to think anyone taking more than 10 oz at one time is going somewhere with it and therefore needs a lid. Not that the carpet in my car minds remaining coffee-free, mind you.

    Incidentally…came to the office this morning and located a full pound of Jamaican Blue Mountain I’d hidden (to ensure it didn’t wander off…) and hidden so well that even I forgot where I put it. Happened upon it this morning, so between that and the rainstorm building outside, this promises to be a fine Tuesday after all.

    1. *Ouch* How old is the Blue Mountain?

      I certainly agree with you on coffee mug sizes and cream (though freshly ground, freshly brewed “good stuff” needs nothing but someone to go “Ahhh!” Still, cream’s nice, although to please my Wonder Woman’s cardio guy we’re now using a low-fat, “sugar free” creamer instead. Not the same, but not horrible.).”FYI, when a reference is made to “cups of coffee” the standard coffee cup is not 8 oz but 56 oz. I’m not sure why, except that at some time formal tea sets/coffee sets standardized on that amount as being The “cup” size. The growing standard of coffee MUGS that hold 12 ounces or more is welcome progress here at twc central, but both sets of heirloom china we have include the standard 6-oz cups of yore.

    1. “Decaffeinated” coffee… isn’t. It contains about 2/3 the caffeine of regular coffee, and it suffers a negative impact on flavor (removing even a bit of the caffeine cannot be done without also removing some of the flavor; arguments to the contrary are made by people with no taste). Only 2/3 the beneficial caffeine and poor flavor. Decaf=”defective”. 🙂

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