Political Insight of the Ages?

*heh* Sure, Left and Right didn’t appear on the scene as descriptions of political positions until 18th Century France and its Revolt of the Masses. 😉 But still, it’s nice to know that beside his storied wisdom was Solomon’s ability to prophesy politics:

“A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man’s heart directs him toward the left.” –Ecclesiastes 10:2


Better than the broken-down “Left-Right” paradigm, though, is something like The Pournelle Political Axes which more accurately describes political models:


If examined according to the Pournelle Political Axes, The 0!’s policies so far are difficult to categorize. Are they to be found in the far upper right corner of the axes or the far lower right corner? There doesn’t seem to be any moderation toward the center whatsoever, and all of his actions to date lean toward “State Worship” but rationality or irrationality? Which dominates? Or does he vacillate between rational and irrational behaviors?

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