
Yeh, still feeling a bit testy.

Well, my ISP’s service is still “not as advertised,” but I never really expected that it would be. But apparently, griping and complaining and keeping it up until one gets results is the ONLY way to get results with my ISP, now. Once? Great service. Recently? Like pulling eye teeth. Even the service techs who drop by are getting a bit exercised. Tired of having to deal with problems they keep submitting for folks higher up the food chain to deal with–folks who have been killing customer connections left and right for the past few months under the claim that they’re “improving service”.

Not around here. My complaints–though backed with more tech knowledge than most that have been submitted from this area, and there have been MANY–have been essentially the same as everyone else from this service area… and no matter how the local techs have kept pressing for solutions that are out of their hands, it just needed much more heat coming regularly and without ceasing from customers to apparently finally get someone to stop sitting on their thumbs.

“Apparently” I say, because at least I have solid connections now (haven’t checked with others locally yet), but service has apparently improved from time to time in the past few months, only to fail outright or become unusably slow without warning–and without the ISP knowing part of the system’s down until being flooded with customer service calls (“Our call system is full; please call back later” or simply phone numbers that don’t work are not things a customer without service likes to hear… )

But for now…


Not bad. Not as advertised, but not bad at all. For now. (Of course, earlier today? Notsomuch good. Not at all, at all… *sigh*)

But for now, it’s not sucking dead bunnies through a straw. For now.

4 Replies to “Testy”

  1. A few years back I “snuck” a computer like device into my dad’s home. I convinced him it wasn’t really a computer, just an email and internet service. I paid for the hardware and a years worth of dial up. The service was horrible and then, without explanation, they dropped his local dial up and changed it to a number that turned out to be a long distance number. The first bill came in and that was the end of that. Dad tossed the whole mess in the trash and said a few uncomplimentary words which cannot be repeated in proper company. Hope your service improves.

    1. Well, TF, I can understand your dad’s POV. When my local dialup became unusable, I finally bit the cost bullet and signed on for the (then new) cable internet service our cable TV company had just begun offering six years ago. And it’s been excellent for six years… until the past few months.

      My dad (87) had dialup for several years after we gave him a computer, then switched to DSL, cos his phone company offered a pretty good deal. He was itching for improved service, so he added cable internet to his cable tv service and tried each–cable vs dsl–for a month or so. Dropped his cable internet, because of problems with the service. Here, DSL is available ONLY through our local mom n pop, third world county telco, and from past experience with its crappy internet service as a dialup customer, even with the last few months’ headaches, I’m reluctant to use ’em for internet service at all.

      *sigh* Rock. Hard place. I guess I just need to keep squeaking that wheel.

  2. Well, we’re a far cry from your location, but our service, too, has its peaks and valleys. Fortunately, I do most of my computing at the office, where we have a carrier that’s not quite so … comcastic.

    In somewhat related news…the neighbors had an estate sale over the long weekend, filling the cul-de-sac (read: street, sidewalks, and once even the corner of my lawn – fortunately I wasn’t in grabbing range of the Remington before the offending vehicle was moved, or the car’s owner would have left with a couple of extra items from the “round and lead” department). One of the “visitors” managed to back over the cable box across the street (yeah, one of the few they haven’t relocated underground), destroying the plastic case and probably the neighbors’ Internet service along with it. Fortunately, ours went subterranean several years ago (we won’t discuss the months of “yeah, it’s flooding, get out here and relocate it” THAT particular fiasco caused before we got it fixed) but I’m sure someone on the street was cursing the sale for more than just traffic.

    On the whole…not a much more satisfying weekend. At least you’ve managed to get progress out of it. Me, I didn’t even get to take pot shots at a single car.

    1. Well, RY, this a.m. was fine. Now? Notsomuch. *sigh* Multiple “reloads” just to get pages to load at all. SpeedTest… times out simply loading its index page. Another round of “genuinely p***** off calls to the fake phone support system seems to be in order. I’ll have to schedule that in the next few, cos I have to start the charcoal and then get grillin’ for tonight’s overloaded menu (nah, just burgers, some grilled veggies, potato salad and beans–not overly-loaded, since I plan on cooking ONLY one burger apiece, anyway). Sooo, off comments and then “yoiks and away!” to joust with the idiots at phone support once again.

      Here’s hoping you get some target practice in the near future. Sadly, I’m no longer even tempted with our new neighbors who’ve replaced the yahoos (in the Swiftian sense) who usef to make our nights and weekends less than liveable. Their replacements are VERY good folks. *Ahhh* The sounds of peace n quiet (and I donm’t mind at all, at all their very well-behaved dogs going bonkers over strays or rabbits or whatever passing by their fenced in run. Nice pups. Loud (high pitched lil terrier voices), but just being dogs when that happens.

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