One of Those Lil “Gotchas”

N.B. This is Win7 compgeeky, so skip to a post below if you’re not interested in this stuff.

I’m running the Windows 7 RC on this “side” of this computer, and every now and then a teensy lil “gotcha” pops up. Nothing comprising an insurmountable roadblock, but casual users who are early adopters may find their upgrade path come October 21 to have a few small stumbling blocks. Here’s an example from my “lunch hour” today.

So, I was offered a freebie full version of CA’s Internet Security 2009. “Hmm,” methought, “why not just give it a try?” So, d/led the installer, UNinstalled my anti-virus (the only “resident” anti-malware on this “side” of this machine apart from Win7’s firewall) and installed the thing… sorta. The install routine popped up with a warning that it could ONLY install a trial of the anti-virus, because my system didn’t meet the minimum requirements.

So, I installed it again, right over the installation already attempted, except that THIS time, I first RIGHT-CLICKed on the installer program and chose “Properties”. From the Properties lage, I selected the “Compatibility” tab and told Win7 to invoke the installation file in Vista Service Pack 2 compatibility mode. OK’ed my way out and…

Bob’s your uncle. I was able to install the FULL versions of the entire CA Internet Security 2009 suite of applications.

Easy-peasy. If you know what to do.

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