Once Again With the Obvious: The TSA is “Full Employment for Idiots”

Bollywood star, Shahrukh Khan, one of the most popular and well-known celebrities in the world–just notsomuch in the US–was hassled by the TSA in New Jersey.

…one can only imagine the American reaction if Brad Pitt was subjected to a “routine inspection” in India to ascertain his intentions and identity. However, the comparison is hardly apt considering Khan’s star power in India [N.B. pop. ~1,148,000,000, or nearly 4X the U.S. population] is likened to the combination of Pitt, Tom Hanks and Will Smith multiplied tenfold by ten Oprahs reading a book by Deepak Chopra.

Par for the course with an agency that hassles active duty military, nursing mothers and Medal of Honor recipients with equal churlishness. *feh* The Thugs Standing Around is nothing but security theater performed as an exercise in turning citizens into subjects and visitors into (justly) anti-Americans. We’d be better off to take the folks working for the TSA and pay them to sit home and watch soap operas and pound the floor with their clubs.

Dissing a guy with an estimated 3.5 billion fans worldwide? Just another day with the TSA.

One Reply to “Once Again With the Obvious: The TSA is “Full Employment for Idiots””

  1. I think you about said what needed to be said. In the not too distant future you might see something similar to the TSA standing on random street corners, entrances to shopping malls or any other place where former citizens turned subjects might to.

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