Just in Case Anyone Cares…

Here’s what I’d appreciate for a birthday present:


Multiple packets, please.


2 Replies to “Just in Case Anyone Cares…”

    1. Thing is, Dragonlady, my crop’s been pretty thin this year *sigh* and I DO love dandelions! Delicious, edible food that is purty as can be… what’s not to like? πŸ™‚ The other thing: I get almost NO dandelion growth in my back yard, and I’ve been seriously contemplating scraping the plant growth off my front yard and laying down landscaping cloth and pea gravel (with areas set aside for the plants I want, none of which will include that weed people call “grass”). Whence then my dandelions? I’ll have to set aside some areas specifically for my dandelion garden, and that means seed. (I’ve had spotty results in the past harvesting and planting my own dandelion seed *sigh*) See Dandelions: an exposition on Matthew 6:28-29

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