More for “The Unthinking Masses”

It’s the little things. Inability to discern between “same,” “different,” “similar” and other such general classes is a hallmark of society’s sheeple. Those who cannot count past two without the aid of an external device, set the time on their microwave, or tell the difference between two similar but different classes (“politicians” and “public servants,” for example) are a large reason why our ever more democratized (ruled by mob) society is headed toward the ash heap of history.

Take this simple, rather innocuous, example of a failure to differentiate (discriminate) between two similar but very different things:

“…the name Sweet’N’Low comes from Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem of the same name…”

The same name?

SWEET and low, sweet and low,
Wind of the western sea,
Low, low, breathe and blow,
Wind of the western sea!
Over the rolling waters go,
Come from the dying moon, and blow,
Blow him again to me;
While my little one, while my pretty one, sleeps.

Nope. Not “the same name” but “Sweet and low”. Similar but different.

Of course, “Sweet’N’Low” is close enough for government work…

And that’s a problem. The “government work” performed by sheeple every time they vote relies on just such quotidian sloppiness of thought and inability to distinguish between classes and objects. Besides, who would trust people elected by those who can’t even set the clock on their microwaves?

I still use the product, Sweet’N’Low, because 1. cyclamates aren’t available 2. long history with bad coffee on the road and my propensity for spilling the most spillproof coffee mug, (less sticky than sugar, etc.) 3. it’s a calcium supplement *heh*

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