Flattering, No?

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If so, my fav web browser must be flattered by all the imitation Firefox and Internet Exploder lavish upon it. Latest: imitating Opera’s Speed Dial feature in Firefox. No, Firefox doesn’t yet have a Speed Dial feature, but by futzing around, downloading and installing an extension, Firefox users can mimic the feature, more or less. Of course, as with nearly all the Firefox mimics of Opera features, one has to add an extension to get the functionality, whereas with Opera such features as mouse gestures, tabs as thumbnails and Speed Dial are built in, but still, being able to mimic these features with extensions (that one has to hunt down, install and hope will be compatible with your next FF upgrade) is something, I suppose.

I do like the customization menu that the plugin offers, but if it’s going to offer to mimic my Opera Speed Dial, it really ought to also offer to import my Opera Speed Dial instead of making me manually replicate it. Oh, well. I don’t use Firefox much (although I do use it about 10X more–or more–than I use Internet Exploder, which I do not use at all on the Ubuntu side, unless I have a VM running where I need to access MS Updates).

Sidebar: IE8 does seem to suck less than IE 6 and IE 7. *heh*

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