The Problem’s Been Around a While…

Yeh, I rail from time to time about stupid, self-mafe illiterates, but ya know they may have some excuse…


N.B. Brownie points to Perri for being the first literate to read this post. (Brownie points may be used to purchase “byes” for typos, errors of grammar, spelling and punctuation, but never for errors in reasoning.)

BOLO for future Brownie point earning possibilities…

3 Replies to “The Problem’s Been Around a While…”

  1. Hmm… I should probably refrain from mentioning “self mafe”, but I won’t because I’m going to assume it was deliberate. What a classic document that Dictionary … excuse me … dicitionary must be.

    1. Oh, you mean the “typo” that only a literate person might catch?


      (BTW, yes, I do have spell check enabled in Opera. :-))

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