No Soup for You

Busy Monday. Read another post.

I am not here; this is not me
No matter what you think you see.
I am not here; this is not me.

3 Replies to “No Soup for You”

  1. That reminded me of the line from the movie, Gross Point Blank, where the hit man keeps telling folks, “This isn’t me”, at the moment he finishes them off.

  2. Quick drop-by during a late lunch and what do I find?

    A movie ref and a Carlin ref. (I have that LP around here somewhere… “Open up; it’s me, Dave; I got the stuff” “Dave ain’t here, man” It was Carlin, right? Not Cheech n Chong? Oh, well, I have the album somewhere, no matter who… Been a while. A quarter of a century or more since I played those platters… )

    You guys.

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