Now That’s a Kick in the Pants!

Just read the linked article from Pravda, the once widely- and justly-despised propaganda organ of the Soviet Union. Would that such levelheaded reportage would make a bigger spash in American Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind “pravda” (in the older, Soviet sense) papers and the like. Heck, with diseased “news” organs like the New York Times still thumping the lame Anthropogenic Global Warming/Changeism drum, we have to turn to Pravda for news!

Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age

*heh* Must be the fault of anthropogenic global warming/changeism.

4 Replies to “Now That’s a Kick in the Pants!”

  1. Actually, if the AGW crowd is right about CO2 being a cause of global warming (they’re not) and about mankind overwhelming nature’s ability to compensate for CO2 emmissions (they’re not) then what it proves is that driving SUVs and the like is all that’s preventing a catastrophe like the ice age. I guess it’s time to go drive my two gallons per mile racecar for a while 🙂

  2. I have never read pravda, but I think, that global warming is a very serious problem today, so we can feel global warming right now, it is not a problem of future, it is a problem of nowadays, so lets take care about our environment.

  3. Diana,

    “I have never read pravda…”

    What have you read? Before you talk about/act on your feelings, try to get some facts. You might just wake up feeling like you could walk on air some day and misstep off a tall building.

    Facts like gravity (or, as relating to climate: solar activity, Earth’s axial tilt–causing the Precession of the Equinoxes–and orbital mechanics) are stubborn things.

    Oh, a warning: the Pravda article assumes the reader has some basic knowledge of climate history, a vocabulary that was once (many, many years after _I_ was in that grade) considered “eighth grade level” and an ability to follow a reasoned argument. If any of those are an issue for you, you might want to consider having your grandfather or grandmother interpret the article for you.

    Just a thought, not a feeling.

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