The Road Ahead, 3.2

What does a good citizen do when faced with a bad government? Well, as I’ve pointed out before, in a representative reublic–which in theory is these (dis)United States–we have a responsibility to be directly involved in the process of selecting our leaders, not just by voting but also by doing all we can to influence the selection of candidates and to keep our representatives’ noses pressed firmly to the grindstone of OUR choosing.

But more, much more than that, we need to do everything we can to educate our local, state and national representatives as to their poper place in the scheme of things as public servants, employees of The People, not all that important in our daily lives, mostly warts on the body politic.

In order to achieve this objective, we must

1. Give due honor to genuine public servants
2. Give the raspberry to politicians exercising illegitimate power as though it were legitimate authority, but most of all,
3. Be a daily example to our children, friends and relatives of persons who consider the law a negative thing and politicians’ proper role in the scheme of things to be that of chidren in the Victorian age: seen rarely, rarely heard.


Yep. We must train those around us and future generations to view the purpose of the law as mostly negative: punishing–harshly punishing, in most cases–malefactors who harm others by violence, theft or deceit. (Hmmm, that’d place 90%, at least, of our congresscritters in harm’s way PDQ.) We must peacefully, quietly, consistently refuse to acknowlege laws and regulations that violate basic human and civil rights as noted in the founding/source documents of this nation (BTW, for any illiterati having this post read to them, that does include the Bible–check the Founders’ own words, if you can.) Sure, some of us will run afoul of some nancypants government bureaucrat intent on doing us harm, but we must do what’s right for the good of our progeny.

And as we go about our daily lives, simply doing what is good and right and just, as instructed by the same wisdom that instructed the Founders, that means that we will do the ordinary things of life purposefully, as revolutionary actions in resistance to the growing anarcho-tyranny of various civil governments and quasi-governmental agencies (like public schools).

In that vein, expect more “beer posts” and more “compgeeky posts” and more other such posts apparently unrelated to politics, societal decay, etc. Just figting the good fight in quiet ways…

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo – WordPress, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Faultline USA, DragonLady’s World, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

3 Replies to “The Road Ahead, 3.2”

  1. that means that we will do the ordinary things of life purposefully

    Isn’t that what being a free man is about?

    In that vein, expect more “beer posts” and more “compgeeky posts” and more other such posts apparently unrelated to politics, societal decay, etc. Just figting the good fight in quiet ways…

    I look forward to it David. I enjoy both types of posting… Ultimately the purpose of our government is to let us get along with our ordinary lives with the least interference from others — including that government. Individual liberty within an ordered society. That’s all I want.

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