When Is a Story Not a News Story?

When it’s in Newsweek, apparently.

Beldarblog has the beat.

A taste:

Does Newsweek actually think anyone in America is going to fault Sarah Palin, or her sister or anyone else in their family, for expressing a less-than-flattering opinion of Trooper Wooten based on this and his other incredibly reckless, dangerous, and/or illegal conduct?

This attack on Palin is so transparently manufactured, it only will only serve to bolster the reality-based reality *heh* as experienced by real people that the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind has lost its. It’s collective mind, that is.

More of this insanity, please, from the Hivemind. And folks, give them plenty of room and plenty of rope. And remember, that wise old saying I coined last week applies to the Hivemind as well:

“Never interrupt a man [or Hivemind] when it’s committing suicide with the jawbone of an ass.”

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