Greta van Susteren: Introducing Sarah Palin…

Oops. I can’t recall where I first heard of this Greta van Susteren segment doing remote interviews of three (representative? Probably, since last week her approval rating was above 80% with Alaskans–down only a few percentage points since early in her term) Alaskans who purport to know Sarah Palin well, but whoever tipped me to it, thanks!

Of course, there are some with sour grapes: the librarian from Palin’s first term as Mayor of Wasilla who vents a lot of spleen whnever Palin’s name comes up; her scumbag former brother-in-law; some loser she pounded into the pavement in the governor’s race (I think he got about 10% of the vote), etc. All to be expected. Heck, George Washington (not that I’m saying Palin’s a Washington–I’m not) had his detractors in his day, eh? Most of ’em with about as much reason as Palin’s detractors, from all I can discover so far.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Mark My Words, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Conservative Cat, Shadowscope, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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