Lyric help?

I need some help on some lyrics. A childhood “song” (of course it was a song! What else could it be? Better, in many ways than Top 40 crap nowadays… ) that stuck in my memory–all save two words–and pops up (though only very, very, very rarely out) at the most inappropriate times. *heh*

More below the fold…

OK, here it is, with the two missing words’ location and accents displayed:

Great green gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts,
Mutilated monkey meat,
Pickle-ated birdy feet;
One big scoop of ‘~ ‘~ porpoise pus,
And I forgot my spoon!
(But I brought a straw!

So, how about it? Any help with the two, two-syllable words in the fourth line?

Yeh, yeh: I’ve googled and searched with other search engines and found tons and tons of different versions of this disgusting lil ditty, but none of them match (and few even scan!) the lyrics we sang when I was seven or eight.

(I do still remmeber the lyrics to “Oh, I wish I were a little tweety bird… ” and the variations that included “bar of soap” and “mosquito” and etc., but those were nowehere nearly as disgusting as this lil ditty. *heh*)

Just a not-so-meaningful stroll down the dark alleys that comprise my own lil substitute for memory lane…

4 Replies to “Lyric help?”

  1. Y’know, TF, that sounds close. Doesn’t quite ring true to my hole-filled (dontcha love such contradictory images?) memory, but close. I seem to recall alliteration playing off the “porpoise pus” but just can’t place the words.

    Oh. Well. Half a century and more w/o singing the thing’s got to have wreaked havoc with the storage. (Heck, I used to be able to sing through my recital repertoire, too, but even that’s half dead. Oh, wait, no… I can recall those songs, just no longer have the voice for ’em. *heh*)

  2. *heh* Perri, surprisingly, the “porpoise pus” part is what “inspired” a recollection of the song. I vividly recall hanging upside down on our family’s swingset (age? Seven or eight?) as my older sister taught me these lyrics.

    Sadly, she is my older sister and when I called to do a lyric check, she couldn’t recall the words herself. *heh*

    Oh. The incident that brought forth the words “porpoise pus” inspiring what reclllection of the lyrics I could manage? Some dumbass celebrity was whining on and on about how “global warming” was killing off the polar bear and how “we” all need to “do something” to prevent the demise of the species. “Porpoise pus!” just sprang to my lips as the most apt response, and thereby inflicted upon the world yet again (most) of the lyrics to this lil ditty.


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