Semi-Random Wednesday

Just a few things that have crossed my mind today (some of them moving like The Flash!, so I only caught a brief glimpse as they passed *heh* Yeh, even that link’s moving so fast it’s a couple of years in the future already… )

In the mid 60s here in my twc central office. A/C? No, just a window open. In the third week of June. Hugely atypical temps for America’s Third World County in June, let alone 2/3 of the way through the month and toward July… Must be global warming, eh?

Ya know, I could average much better than my typical 40+mpg in my lil ’97 Saturn if the “idjits” would just pull over and park. *sigh* Once again, let me remind you of Lovely Daughter’s GREAT idea: take the cars away from those who are dumber than a bag of (rusty) hammers and just give ’em to folks who can drive. Sure, it’d wipe out what’s left of Detroit, but would that be a bad thing?

Building and testing and tweaking this “new” computer for my dad has reminded me that it is too possible to have a stable, moderately nimble Windows XP computer. It just takes a lot more work than consumer computer manufacturers are willing (or economically able) to put into a box. Most of the value added to this box is in the “blood and toil and sweat and tears” *heh* spent in chasing down lil issues before they can become bigger ones. Like, installing a much better power supply than a Dell or HP can “afford” to use in a machine (cos cheapo consumers won’t pay for it); using a good anti-corrosion/contact-enhancement treatment on cards, chips, etc. (materials-expensive and labor intensive); cleaning all the crap out of a standard WinXP installation and making a restorable disk image of the OS (with programs and data being on a separate partition, as much as possible), etc.

Takes time and expertise: both things consumer-grade computers will NOT have invested in them right out of the box.

For the non-tech-savvy, Logmein is a really cool way to make sure your tech-savvy friend(s) you ask to “help you out” (fixing the problems a non-tech-savvy user creates–*heh*) can access your computer remotely to do maintenance. It’s not so cool if said tech-savvy friend(s) only have Linux boxes, cos Logmein is only for Windows/Mac environment (but hey! if the tech-savvy Linux users don’t have a Windows install running in a virtual machine on their boxes–just for things like this–then they’re not all that tech savvy after all, are they? :-))

In other thoughts flashing before my eyes (or being babbled about by the voices in my head)…

So, Barry Hussein Obamasiah-Winfrey has a foreign policy advisor who thinks we ought to mold our foreign policy after the philosophy of Winnie the Pooh, eh? It makes a certain sense, you know. First, anyone else notice that the beloved children’s icon is named after “Number Two? Sure, it’s a variant spelling, but number two=poo=pooh, as far as I can tell.

So, with so much poo (or pooh) being spouted daily by Barry Hussein Obamasiah-Winfrey (and his minions) in place of anything of substance, it only makes sense that any “foreign policy” issuing from the same pie holes would be just more bovine scatological effluent.

Heck, the Barry Hussein Obamasiah-Winfrey campaign will NEVER need any SHAMpoo the way it’s generating the real thing in such prodigious amounts…

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Allie is Wired, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, , and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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