Obama’s “Yo-yo-yo-yomama race card” speech

I have not previously commented on Obama’s asociation with his church and his spiritual mentor, “Reverend” *spit* Wright. Yeh, I view the use of the term “reverend” in association with the racist bigot whom Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey NOW calls his “former pastor” to be an abomination. His actual statements of bigotry and hate-filled spews from the pulpit need not be reviewed further here. By now, you’ve probably viewed them on YouTube.

But Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey’s speech excusing his association with Racist Bigot Wright is a piece of work I can’t pass up. Read it. [h.t. Right Voices]

OK, back, now?

Now we (“…few, we happy few, we band of brothers”? *heh*) know what Obama’s book, “The Audacity of Hope,” is really about: the audacity of lies, bigotry and arational emotional appeals.

This speech. *sigh* Finally, Obama unequivocally playing the race card, implicitly making himself the “affirmative action” candidate he swears he is not.

Obama, take a listen: the outcry against the bigotry of your pastor, against his damning of America in broad strokes, against his blanket condemnations of whitey and imagined widespread oppression of blacks by whites in America is the point (the simple facts point to widespread oppression of blacks by blacks–including racist hatemongers such as Wright who manages the con by faking that he is helping blacks while inciting even more separation from American society as a whole). It is his racist bigotry and your bland acceptance–nay! “audacious” excusing!–of it that is the point. Saying you condemn what you falsely characterize as rare, isolated comments while explaining them away is not condemning them nor does it explain why you sat idly by and said not one word of opposition to such things until it blew up in your face.

BTW, “TedintheShed’s” comments at Right Voices in a pointed indictment of a central lie in Obama’s “Yo-yo-yo-yomama race card” speech:

“Did I (Obama) ever hear him (Wright) make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes.”

Doesn’t this directly contradict what was said before? In the interview with Major garret on Fox, didn’t he say he never heard these contraversial remarks while in church?

Well, yes, as “TedintheShed” points out, it does:

“None of these statements were ones that I had heard myself personally in the pews. One of them I had heard about after I had started running for president, and I put out a statement at that time condemning them”

And that’s yet another reason Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey is unqualified to be president: he can’t bluff worth a damn. Gee, I’d love to play poker with the guy. Of course, any winnings of mine would probably be condemned by Racist Bigot Wright as whitey oppressing the po’ black man.

Obama, you had better major on hope, because blind, irrational hope is all that can shield you from the consequences of your audacious lies.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Miss Beth’s Victory Dance, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, Leaning Straight Up, Right Voices, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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