Droll: Upgrading to XP from Vista

If you’ve been a Bill Gates “upgrade slave” for any time now, especially suffering through a Vista install, you’ll appreciate, Review: Windows XP. For example:

“XP comes with some impressive device support. In fact, every peripheral I’ve collected over the years works perfectly with it. Many have the device drivers preinstalled on XP, making their installation a snap, but for the rest it was easy to find device drivers on the Web. In addition I found the drivers quick and reliable, a far cry from the buggy, slow and sparse driver support in Vista. I’m glad to see that with their new flagship OS, Windows XP, Microsoft have finally learnt from the mistakes they made with the Vista launch. In addition, support for mobile devices seems to be significantly improved.”


In other compy developments,

I guess with Apple shares down about 35% Jobs needs to expand his market, eh? Good luck switching CIOs from RIMM’s Blackberry.

In related news, Intel managed to fall 1.9% recently on news that first-quarter gross margins for the company would be about 2% under projections… Seems fair. (Yeh, the link for that one’s somewhere… )

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