T-13; 1.52: Q&D Thirteen

The quick-and-dirty low-down on the twc hosting transfer (just some more inside-blogging yadayada):

  1. The “Fantastico” install of WordPress 2.3.1 at BlueHost was the easiest WP install imaginable. Just CLICK and it’s done. But little things continue to nag…
  2. The Thursday 13 category has bit the dust. It was there last night between 8 & 10, but… (yeh, it’s still sorta there, but linkage to T-13 posts is broken *sigh*)
  3. …everything went *POOF!* at eleven
  4. Nobody likes large sql files. Nope. Nobody (apparently).
  5. A 10MB XML file (done as an export from the WP dashboard) is also apparently too large: maxed out my CPU usage importing the thing. Failed repeatedly.
  6. Export each and every WP database one at a time
  7. Import each and every WP database one at a time.
  8. FINALLY (I think, I hope, darned well better have) managed to get Fat(head) Cow “Sucks Dead Bunnies Through a Straw” to let me download all my media files, theme files (for the lil tweaks I didn’t want to have to redo), etc. Finally.
  9. Upload of remaining files a snap. BlueHost didn’t keep timing out the way Fat(head) Cow “Sucks Dead Bunnies Through a Straw” does ALL the time.
  10. Everything’s there, now, but… so many things are mixmastered beyond recognition.
  11. None of my personally-managed blogrolls/links are properly noted. None.
  12. Categories and their linkage to posts–all screwed up.
  13. But… at least it’s mostly done. Mostly.

Noted at the Thursday Thirteen Hub.

3 Replies to “T-13; 1.52: Q&D Thirteen”

  1. Nicholas,

    “I’m at the lower end of the blog food chain.”

    Actually, I’ve read your blog, and your current position (as you percieve it) in the “blog food chain” is irrelevant. You write well, with insight and with a literate perspective all too often missing in the public arena.

    Oh, and understanding blog geeky mechanical stuff is irrelevant too. It’s the words on the page that count.

    Thanks for dropping by twc where you can listen in on the voices in my head. 🙂

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