Edumacation-ish, ah, Whatever. . .

Ran across this from someone “edumacated” at a state university who was then in an admin position there for some time:

“It was predicted that we would see outbreaks of the diseases that we had nearly irradiated [sic] come back with a vengeance with all the illegals coming across our Southern boarder.! [sic]”


Oh, and the cute lil period-exclamation point punctuation.


(No links or names. I just can’t do that to this person. . . )

2 Replies to “Edumacation-ish, ah, Whatever. . .”

  1. I think it’s probably a case of an “educated” person thinking they don’t need a proofreader. They may have had someone taking dictation who was a low grade moron – perhaps one of those speech recognition programs.

    Or I could just be giving them too much credit.

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