Is It Just Me?


So, the execrable non-service personnel at the non-sufficiently-to-be-condemned Westinghouse Digital LLC, finally got a TV back to us after holding the defective one we sent back hostage for over a month of business days, claiming our replacement was “on back order.”

A credible (and genuine) threat of legal action, along with a commentary on the company’s recent class action lawsuit losses and bad BBB rating (neither of which were in evidence when we bought the product–those happened later) resulted in–surprise! surprise!–a new TV sent out that very day, and. . .

. . .it’s almost a replacement for the one they held hostage for a month of business days. Almost. Was a pain to set up (tuner refused to activate until after several hard resets) and the audio does NOT work as well as the unit this TV replaces. Cannot turn off the unit’s speakers w/o also muting the digital audio–what’s up with that? The previous unit’s TOSLINK digital audio link worked well with the unit’s speakers off. No joy with this unit. And so. . . with digital (or even analog!) audio connected to an external unit, if the TV speakers are on, the lag emulates a bad reverb. So, the TV speakers off: analog works but digital doesn’t (and analog has fewer “tweaks” available, of course).

Oh, and calling back about this, the jackass “support” person who claimed to have a “computer science degree” (which means NOTHING in relation to this issue) insisted that the coaxial digital connection was the same as the TOSSLINK (optical) digital connection on the former TV.

Asshat. Ignorant asshat. Means nothing (and is wrong anyway).

So, just a heads up: if you buy ANYTHING from Westinghouse Digital

1. Make absolutely certain it has ALL the features you want (the defective unit did. . . for 9 months)
2. Purchase a third party service plan and
3. If that 3rd party service plan only goes into effect after the Westinghouse Digital warranty lapses, use the product to assure it works, then BOX IT UP AND WAIT FOR THE EXTENDED COVERAGE TO GO INTO EFFECT. If you’ve purchased a three or four year service plan, you should have two or three years of protection by a reputable firm (SquareTrade is a viable option. We’ve used SquareTrade coverage and been satisfied with the service. We have another company’s extended service plan for the TV, and it covers the replacement. . . and I know people in their corporate offices. *heh*)

You do NOT want to rely on Westinghouse Digital to make you whole should one of its products be defective. Based on my experiences, the company will likely make every effort to screw you over. Just sayin’.

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